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Getting started

The @accounts packages are modular by nature and can be pieced together via GraphQL Modules (but you can manually instanciate the providers if REST the only thing you care about).

Install the core module

// Npm
npm install --save @accounts/module-core graphql-modules @accounts/server

// Yarn
yarn add @accounts/module-core graphql-modules @accounts/server

Choose your database database driver

// Npm
npm install --save @accounts/module-mongo @accounts/mongo

// Yarn
yarn add @accounts/module-mongo @accounts/mongo

Choose your authentication services

// Npm
npm install --save @accounts/module-password @accounts/password

// Yarn
yarn add @accounts/module-password @accounts/password

To piece everything together let's create an application module using the database and authentication modules of your choice.

Start the accounts server

import { createAccountsCoreModule, buildSchema } from '@accounts/module-core';
import { createAccountsMongoModule } from '@accounts/module-mongo';
import { createAccountsPasswordModule } from '@accounts/module-password';
import { createApplication } from 'graphql-modules';

import { AuthenticationServicesToken } from '@accounts/server';
import { AccountsPassword } from '@accounts/password';

(async () => {
const myApp = createApplication({
modules: [
createAccountsCoreModule({ tokenSecret: 'your secret' }),
// If you don't provide a dbConn you have to await because MongoClient.connect is asynchronous
await createAccountsMongoModule(),
// Ugly workaround because of current GraphQL Modules limitations
providers: [
provide: AuthenticationServicesToken,
useValue: { password: AccountsPassword },
global: true,
// To apply the auth directive on top of your schema
// see
schemaBuilder: buildSchema(),

The resulting application can be used in conjunction with a GraphQL Server like Yoga if that's the transport of your choice

import { context } from '@accounts/module-core';

const { createOperationController } = myApp;

const yoga = createYoga({
plugins: [useGraphQLModules(myApp)],
// To patch your GraphQL context with Accounts.js fields like authToken/user/etc.
context: (ctx) => context(ctx, { createOperationController }),

const server = createServer(yoga);

server.listen(4000, () => {'Server is running on http://localhost:4000/graphql');

or even as an Express middleware if you prefer REST

import accountsExpress from '@accounts/rest-express';

const { injector } = myApp;

const app = express();

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));


app.listen(process.env.PORT || 4000, () => {
console.log('Server listening on port 4000');

GraphQL Modules documentation will get you started with your preferred GraphQL server.

Configuring additional options, such as providing custom connection options for a database or additional parameters based on your chosen packages can be achieved by supplying an options object when creating each GraphQL module (like we did for the tokenSecret in the core module).

Out of the box @accounts/password is preconfigured to allow users to sign up with usernames or email addresses.

Usage as a GraphQL microservice

Based on your requirements it can be advantageous to deploy a single accounts server which is then consumed by multiple apps.

The following examples will show you how to setup a GraphQL server which can be used to authenticate requests via JWT token.

You can merge your existing GraphQL server schema with the remote accounts server schema via schema stitching.

const accountsServerUri = 'http://localhost:4003/graphql';

(async () => {
const myTypeDefs = gql`
type PrivateType @auth {
field: String

extend type Query {
# Example of how to delegate to another field of the remote schema. Returns the currently logged in user or null.
me: User
# Returns the currently logged in userId directly from the context without querying the remote schema.
myId: ID
publicField: String
# You can only query this if you are logged in
privateField: String @auth
privateType: PrivateType
privateFieldWithAuthResolver: String

extend type Mutation {
privateMutation: String @auth
publicMutation: String

const myResolvers = {
Query: {
me: {
resolve: (parent, args, context, info) => {
return delegateToSchema({
schema: remoteSubschema,
operation: OperationTypeNode.QUERY,
fieldName: 'getUser',
myId: (parent, args, context) => context.userId,
publicField: () => 'public',
privateField: () => 'private',
privateFieldWithAuthResolver: authenticated(() => {
return 'private';
privateType: () => ({
field: () => 'private',
Mutation: {
privateMutation: () => 'private',
publicMutation: () => 'public',

const remoteExecutor: AsyncExecutor = async ({ document, variables, context }) => {
console.log('context: ', context);
const query = print(document);
const fetchResult = await fetch(accountsServerUri, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// Attach the Authorization to requests which are proxied to the remote schema.
// This step is optional and only required if you want the `getUser` query to return data.
...(context?.authToken && { Authorization: `Bearer ${context.authToken}` }),
body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
return fetchResult.json();

const remoteSubschema = {
schema: await schemaFromExecutor(remoteExecutor),
executor: remoteExecutor,

const { authDirectiveTypeDefs, authDirectiveTransformer } = authDirective('auth');

const app = createApplication({
modules: [
tokenSecret: 'secret',
// setting micro to true will instruct accounts-js to only
// verify access tokens without any additional session logic
micro: true,
id: 'app',
typeDefs: myTypeDefs,
resolvers: myResolvers,
providers: [
provide: AuthenticationServicesToken,
useValue: {},
global: true,
schemaBuilder: ({ typeDefs, resolvers }) =>
subschemas: [remoteSubschema],
typeDefs: mergeTypeDefs([typeDefs, authDirectiveTypeDefs]),

const { createOperationController } = app;

const yoga = createYoga({
plugins: [useGraphQLModules(app)],
context: (ctx) => context(ctx, { createOperationController }),

const server = createServer(yoga);

server.listen(4000, () => {'Server is running on http://localhost:4000/graphql');